
How to Make Kitchen Cabinets Shine Like New by Cleaning Them

It’s a fact that our kitchens are often used and abused. You should regularly deep clean your kitchen. However, you might be neglecting to clean one important item that looks cleaner than it really is: your cabinets.

Cabinets are a magnet for dirt, grime and grease. It can be overwhelming to clean kitchen cabinets. Don’t worry, keep reading to learn how to accomplish this necessary and transformative task.


How often should you clean your kitchen cabinets?

Cleaning your kitchen cabinet is an important, but sometimes difficult task. The amount of time you spend cleaning your cabinets will depend on the frequency with which you cook. Consider cleaning your kitchen cabinets every two to four weeks if you cook each night. You’re not much of a cook at home? Keep them clean by cleaning them once a year.

What you’ll need

Are you ready to clean out your kitchen cabinets now? Before you start, here’s everything you need.

  • Duster
  • Washcloths that are clean
  • Spray Bottle
  • Dish soap
  • Warm water
  • Baking soda
  • Soft-bristle scrub brush
  • Toothbrush


Step 1: Empty your cabinets

You’ll first need to empty your cabinets before you can begin deep cleaning. You can still clean your cabinets while they are full, but it will be more difficult and less thorough. It’s better to empty them before you start.

Step 2: Dust

Kitchens attract dirt and dust due to their messy use. Before cleaning the cabinets, dust must be removed.

Dust your kitchen cabinets by starting at the top and working your way down. Do not forget to dust inside the cabinets.

Step 3: Making a cleaner

It’s easy to make a cabinet cleaner. Mix a few drops dish soap and warm water into a spray bottle. Spray the cleaner directly on engineered wood cabinets, or those that have a glossy finish. Spray the cleaner on a microfiber towel before applying it to unfinished cabinets or hardwood cabinets.

Step 4: Clean inside

It’s now time to get serious about cleaning. Spray the cleaner inside the cabinets, then wipe it down with a damp cloth and elbow grease to remove the grime. After the cabinets have been cleaned with the cleaner, wipe them down with a damp clean cloth. Let the interior air dry before cleaning the exterior. Work your way up and down.


Step 5: Clean Outside

Start cleaning the outside of the cabinet using the same technique as you did the interior. Start by cleaning the top of the cabinets. There is likely to be a lot of dirt there, so pay extra attention. After you have finished cleaning the top of the cabinet, move downwards.

Step 6: Remove the Grease

The stovetop can produce many delicious meals, but can also create a greasy mess in your cabinets. Make a paste with 1/4 cup baking powder and 1/2 cup water to remove grease from your cabinets. The paste can be applied to any greasy areas and left for 5 minutes. Gently scrub it off. Use a damp, clean cloth to wipe down the area that has been treated.


Step 7: Trim the Corners and Trim the Trim

Be sure to pay special attention to the corners and trim of your cabinets before you stop cleaning them. Apply cleaner to a toothbrush to reach those hard-to-reach spots and gently scrub them to remove dirt and dust.

Step 8: Restore Items to Cabinets

After your cabinets look brand new, you’ll need to clean any mess that was made while cleaning them. As a result of the dust and dirt that was likely left behind by your cabinets, you’ll need to clean your countertops and sweep up your floors.

You can start putting the contents of your cabinets back in place once they are completely dry. Be sure to check your cabinets for any spots before you put them back. You should clean off any dirt or dust that you find to avoid stains or contaminating your cabinets.

How to keep your cabinets clean longer

Treat any spills or stains as soon as possible to keep your cabinets in top condition. You won’t need to worry about long-lasting stains. Use cabinet liners to protect the inside of your cabinets from dirt and stains. If the liners are dirty, you can clean them with dish soap and warm tap water.

Tags : Cleaning Tips
Lorena Hodge

The author Lorena Hodge

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