
16 Winter Outdoor Planter Ideas That Still Look Gorgeous in the Cold

Greenery is likely to flourish during summer and spring, but this doesn’t mean your outdoor space must be devoid of vegetation when winter rolls in. In the end the green thumb of yours doesn’t disappear once it’s cold outside. In fact, if you fill your pots with tough greenery, you’ll be able to take advantage of an outdoor area that’s full of green throughout the year.

The trick is to Get a supply of plants that are tolerant of cold temperatures–or which can be able to withstand frigid temperatures. Although it may seem like a tiny selection of flowers, the fact is that it will leave you with a wide selection of flowers as well as trees, shrubs and other plants to choose from.

If you’re looking for help in creating your winter-ready space, we’ve got it covered. We’ve collected 16 winter-themed outdoor ideas to help you maximize the use of your outdoor space, even when there’s a chance of snow.

Make sure you have poinsettias on your porch

Poinsettias flower in the latter half of fall and winter. Therefore, they’re the perfect plants to keep around in cold weather. If the winters are mild, then you can put poinsettias on the porch all year long. If not, store the plants in light planters so they can bring them inside in the event that temperatures drop below 50 degrees.

Decorate Using Leafy Greens

The leafy greens aren’t only hardy, some are actually much better in the event of being they are exposed to the frost. If it’s beginning to get cold make sure your pots are filled with collards, kale and even spinach. For a more attractive garden, grow ornamental cabbage too.

Get the Most Value from Moss

The moss grows well in winter. It’s therefore a wonderful item to have in your pots all year. To keep things fresh Mix and match a variety of kinds of moss, or plant the same type of moss in many different pots.

Get your potted evergreens in order

Evergreen trees appear lush throughout the year, but you don’t need plants them on the soil. By putting small evergreens in pots it is possible to dress up your outdoor space, including dirt-free areas such as your patio balcony, or porch.

Then fill the pots up with Pansies

The pansies are gorgeous, beautiful and easy to take care of. They are also, perhaps most importantly they are a fan of cold weather. Therefore, add some colour to your outdoor space by filling a few or all of your planters.

Plant Some Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses can withstand even the harshest winters, looking lush even in snowy conditions. So, stock up on beautiful grasses like foxtails, maiden grass and blue oatgrass–and make sure to fill your pots with them. Because they grow all year round so you don’t need to replace them when the seasons change.

Turn Your Gourds Into Planters

You can’t bear to throw away all the gourds that you purchased this autumn? Make them into planters instead. Paint their interiors, seal their exteriors, then add plants. The distinctive accents will look fantastic atop your furniture on the patio, or lining your porch, or adding style to your backyard.

Decorate Your Front Door with Boxwoods

Boxwoods are among the most sought-after shrubs in the area. Why? They’re tough, low-maintenance and slow-growing, so after you’ve trimmed the shrubs they’ll keep their form! Boxwoods are best suited to cool winters, but can withstand frigid winters with the right care. Simply brush off snow from your boxwoods to prevent them from breaking and they’ll be ready to go.

Plant an Orange Tree

Citrus trees thrive in temperate climates They’re also more resilient than you think. They’re not able to go through the winter months of frigid temperature, however they generally withstand just a few frosts. So, consider getting an orange-colored tree and put it in a beautiful pot. The tree will be able to live on your patio for the duration of the winter, but be sure to watch it in the event that temperatures drop to below 40 degrees.

Find plants with pretty leaves

The majority of plants don’t flower in winter. If you’re able to buy plants that have pretty leaves it is possible to add the color and texture. For silvery accents pick up cold-hardy plant, such as artemisia or dusty miller. For a little red purchase bromeliads. Also, for a pop of purple, look at cabbages or Japanese maples.

Use Branches to decorate your planters

There’s no need to fill your pots with a thriving greenery. By filling your pots with berries, berry-lined branches, and fresh evergreen bushes, you can keep your plants looking beautiful even when your preferred plants aren’t in season.

Snag Some Hardy Shrubs

If you’re looking to stock up on winter plants, don’t forget the simple shrub. The shrubs might not be as appealing as flowers, or as impressive like trees but, they’re extremely robust. Make sure to plant your pots with cold-tolerant plants, such as juniper and dogwood. You’ll love being surrounded by low-maintenance plants that flourish all year long.

Keep an invasive Snake Plant in the Shade

In contrast to other plants that are outdoors, snake plants do not like it when the weather is too hot or the light can be too intense. Therefore, they’re ideal to have to add to your garden. Keep in mind that plants thrive in warm winters. So you’ll need to bring them inside when temperatures drop to below 50°F.

Plant flowers that love the cold

While the majority of flowers bloom during the summer and spring Some bloom well in the winter. Therefore, you can keep your flower beds full throughout the entire year. Get your hands on traditional options like daffodils and pansies and winter jasmine. You can also spring flowers for an unexpected choice such as black tulips or snowdrops.

Get Your Front Porch Flank With Ferns

The ferns can thrive outdoors throughout the year, even when it is cold outside. So, get a good supply of the plant and place it all over the place. A few potted ferns could be great to flank an entranceway. A few hanging ferns look amazing lining a decked porch or an overhang.

Include several plants in each Pot

The idea of putting a single plant into every pot makes sense, but this isn’t the only way to go. Mixing and matching winter-friendly plants inside one pot, it is possible to transform your planters into mini gardens that are beautiful where you place them.

Tags : Planter Ideas
Lorena Hodge

The author Lorena Hodge

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