
6 Things That Exceptional Guests Always Bring to a Party

It’s no secret hosting can require a lot of planning, time and effort. If you are a guest who wants to make a contribution, we have you covered. We asked entertaining experts Lisa Grotts & Heloise Blause what you can bring to whichever gathering the host would appreciate.

Extra Ice

Every party needs more ice. Bring along some bags so that the host may use them throughout the evening. To make it even easier, you can store the ice inside a wine bucket or cooler.

A List of Conversation-Starters

Conversations with strangers are tricky, as we all know. Avoid talking about religion, politics or other topics that could be polarizing. Prepare some light topics for conversation before you go. Would you prefer to travel in a sub or rocket, for example? What is one meal that you would eat every day?

The Best-Tried and-True Dish

When attending a party where everyone is contributing to the buffet, choose a recipe that has received rave reviews. Blause says to avoid bringing a dish that you have never made before and no one else has tasted. It’s important to get feedback before releasing your new recipes.


When it comes to guest etiquette, a standard bouquet of fresh flowers is always the best bet. You might also want to bring along a vase since the host is likely to be busy. This thoughtful gift will be remembered long after the event is over.


Another safe choice for guests is wine. Blause says you can bring a wine bottle opener, but leave your decanters and large drink dispensers at home. You might think you are being helpful but if your host has made a special cocktail it could be a problem. If the wine is not opened, you can leave it as a present.


You can also give your host a candle to use, either during the meal as a way to create ambiance or afterwards in the kitchen. Choose something that will not interfere with the tablescape. For example, a garland.

Tags : Party
Lorena Hodge

The author Lorena Hodge

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