
Valentine’s Day means showering your loved one with thoughtful presents and affirmation. It also means spending quality time together. This year I want to focus on another relationship that is important in my life: my relationship with my house.

It’s possible that you think, “That’s strange.” Your home is a non-living object. You’d be correct, but let me explain: our homes are a container for energy – both good and bad – in which we all play a role.

Here are 3 things you can to create a harmonious co-habitation space and be a better partner:

1. Take a Deep Clean Really Seriously

I’m talking about more than just dusting your ceiling fans or scrubbing the tile grout with a brush. We are usually focused on the things we can see. This is about what’s not visible. You should also be a custodian for good vibes.

Set your intentions using , the ancient practice of sage-smudging . You can “clear” the air and leave your home smelling fresh. Try your hand at Feng Shui. Take some time to learn the rules, and then take a good look at your surroundings. Is there a way you can create a better flow of energy?

It’s not a secret that certain objects have meaning and can make you feel a particular way. Give yourself permission to let go of something you have been holding onto, like a piece of furniture you got from an ex or a gift you received as a wedding present. These energy blockers prevent you from creating a home full of items that you love and reflect positive memories.


2. Embrace Quirks

There is no perfect partner. The sooner you accept this, the happier you will be. It’s the same for your house. Stop obsessing about annoying features. Celebrate the unique features of your space. This odd window that sits between the living room and kitchen, but feels outdated, might be just the place for your growing collection of plants. You can create a corner gallery in a small, awkwardly shaped space.

You can go one step further and write a letter of love to your house, expressing all that you are grateful for. It’s a great way to gain perspective. You may also get some fresh design ideas.


3. The little things are important

To keep a relationship from falling apart, it is important to maintain the relationship. Spend an afternoon giving your home some TLC. You can oil that door hinge that has been squeaking for months, hang that art piece that has been on the floor, or steam wrinkles from your curtains. Consider it more of a kindness to an old friend than a chore.

Tags : Organization Tips
Lorena Hodge

The author Lorena Hodge

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